Oshkosh:  920-231-0610
Plymouth:  920-449-5407

Welcome to our Oshkosh Warehouse!

We are conveniently located north of Vinland St at the railroad tracks. Click here for a descriptive map and directions.

As you enter the driveway, pull straight forward and park on the right, near the tracks. It’s important to pull forward far enough to allow other trucks to enter the driveway behind you and stay far enough to the right so trucks can get around you if necessary.

Proceed to the office at the front of the building. Check-in is required for product pick-ups and deliveries. We will direct you to one of our dock doors at that time.

After checking in at the office, drive around the building to the assigned dock. Stop at the stairway near the assigned dock and wait for our warehouse personnel to collect your paperwork. We will break your seal if you are delivering. Then, you may open your doors and back up to the assigned dock door.


DO NOT drive on the grass. The driveway around the building is wide enough for all trucks to navigate without having to drive on the grass. Any truck that drives on the grass will be assessed a $100 fine for lawn repairs. Cameras are monitoring and recording all activity around the facility.

For product pick-ups:

  • Make sure you have your PO#.
  • Your trailer must  be pre-cooled to the correct temperature prior to loading.
  • Once your trailer has been loaded, you must stop back at the office to sign your paperwork and have a seal put on your truck.

For product deliveries:

  • Please bring at least 2 copies of your inbound paperwork to check-in.
  • Please DO NOT break your seal on your trailer. Our warehouse staff will verify the seal number and break the seal prior to unloading.
  • Once your trailer has been unloaded, you will be given a copy of your paperwork. There is no need to stop at the office. You may continue with your route.

Our team strives to exceed your expectations with a timely delivery or pick-up.